Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Management body


The Academic Commission of the Program (CAP) is the governing body of the Master in Photovoltaic Solar Energy, and comprises all the Professors at IES-UPM and the Departmento de Electrónica Física, Ingeniería Eléctrica y Física Aplicada. The CAP deals with the most relevant aspects related to the Master at least twice a year.

Daily management is delegated to the Commission of Management of the Master (CGEM) which is made up of three members nominated by the CAP, whose current members are:

  • Prof. Carlos del Cañizo Nadal
  • Prof. David Fuertes Marrón
  • Prof. Miguel Ángel Egido

The CGEM is in charge of:

  • Admission management
  • Course supervision
  • Elaboration of the syllabus
  • Issue of semestral reports
  • Coordination of subjects


General administrative data

Centre: IES-UPM / Departmento de Electrónica Física, Ingeniería Eléctrica y Física Aplicada

UPM Code: Plan 09AM, code 9.5.

  • Administrative Secretary: info@ies.upm.es
    Phone: (+34) 910 672 063
    Fax: (+34) 915 446 341


Postal Address

Programa de Máster Universitario en Energía Solar Fotovoltaica
Instituto de Energía Solar – UPM
ETSI de Telecomunicación
Avda. Complutense 30
28040 Madrid (ESPAÑA)


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