Phd Thesis offer
PhD position – Industrial doctorate
Thermophoton, a spin-off company of the Solar Energy Institute (IES-UPM), is looking for a candidate willing to follow the PhD to develop a novel battery that stores surplus renewable generation and produces combined heat and electricity on demand. This innovation has recently been awarded by the European Commission with the Innovation Radar Prize. The PhD work will be aligned to a recently granted EU project (THERMOBAT) where a “latent heat thermophotovoltaic battery” will be co-developed by five companies and research institutions in the EU. The final goal of the project is to scale up the R&D findings of a recently finished EU project (AMADEUS) and build a 100-kWh demonstrator that will be tested in real conditions. The candidate will contribute to the development of the battery prototype, in the activities related to the design and implementation of the control system to develop a fully operative prototype, as well in the instrumentation needed for the characterization of the system. The activities will be carried out in a collaboration between Thermophoton and the Instrument and Systems Integration research group of the IES-UPM. The PhD candidate will have full access to the IES-UPM laboratories. REQUIREMENTS
Candidates should send his/her resume and transcripts to Ignacio Antón Download the pdf document here. |
Research Position Available at the Group of III-V Semiconductors onFlexible and light weight III-V multijunction solar cells enabling high power density applications |
The use of photovoltaic solutions in large greenhouse gas emitters such as the transport sector remains incidental. Technological alternatives are needed that provide solar cells adapted to these markets demanding PV devices with high efficiency, low mass and flexible to be able to line curved surfaces. Applications such as electric vehicles, wearables and some unmanned aircrafts (i.e. drones, stratospheric balloons, pseudo-satellites,.) represent a great opportunity to expand photovoltaic solutions, but require power to mass ratios equal to or greater than 1 kW/kg, unreachably by todays mainstream crystalline silicon photovoltaic technology. This project will develop III-V semiconductor multijunction solar cells to achieve power-mass ratios of till 3 kW/kg. SCOPE REQUIREMENTS
APPLICATIONS Deadline: 20 October 2022 Click here to download the pdf file |
PhD positionThermophotovoltaic batteries
The Solar Energy Institute at Technical University of Madrid (IES-UPM) is looking for a candidate willing to follow the PhD to develop thermophotovoltaic (TPV) devices. The PhD work will be aligned to a recently granted EU project (THERMOBAT) where a new kind of energy storage device will be developed. The system is called “latent heat thermophotovoltaic battery” and will be co-developed by five companies and research institutions in the EU. The final goal of the project is to scale up the R&D findings of a recently finished EU project (AMADEUS) and build a 100-kWh demonstrator that will be tested in real conditions. Read more REQUIREMENTS
Published: April 4th, 2022 |