Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

PhD Programme

Assignment of supervisor and thesis advisor


The CAP will be in charge of assigning a supervisor to the admitted students. The tutor will be a doctor of proven research experience and will ensure the interaction among the student and the CAP.

The thesis advisor (who may or may not be the same person than the supervisor) will be assigned by the CAP in a maximum period of six months after enrolment. This assignment, which is carried out according to the research objectives that the student wishes to develop and of the lines of research of the Program, can fall on any Spanish or foreign doctor, with proven research experience, regardless of the university or institution he/she belongs to, as long as it fulfills the criteria of the Doctoral Program and the PhD Model of the UPM. 

The procedures for modifying the above assignments are as follows:

  • A request from the center responsible for the Doctorate Program, the Doctorate Commission of the UPM may modify the appointment of the tutor of a doctorate at any time during the period of completion of the doctorate, provided there are justified reasons.
  • The center responsible for the PhD Program, upon presentation of a report to the PhD Commission of the UPM, can request the change of thesis director until the moment prior to the deposit of the same. The Doctorate Commission of the UPM can request the additional reports that are considered appropriate and respond to a request within a maximum period of 2 months.


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